Frequently Asked Questions

Why is PPG is different?

At PPG Calgary, we realize that we might do things a little different. It is not our intention to cause any controversy or to suggest that the way other groups "do it" is "wrong" or "not as good". Our fourth traditions states: “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting AA as a whole.”

What is with the timer? How come PPG Calgary timer each person to three minutes?

The question we get most is about our decision to use a timer. Our group conscience has elected to time each person's sharing to three minutes or less. Each week a "Time Moderator" uses a digital timer to keep track of each person's time. After three minutes, the time goes off signifying your time for sharing is done and the next person can share.

The PPG Group conscience chose to implement the timer for the following reasons:

It allows us to get around to as many people as possible within the time designated for sharing.

It helps meeting attendees to be focused in their sharing.

It acts as a method to ensure one person isn't monopolzing the meeting.

What do you mean "this meeting is not meant to be a dumping ground for everyone's problems"? Where am I supposed to talk about my problems if not in the meeting?

Often in A.A. we are given the impression that we can go to a meeting to share with the group our daily life problems. A.A. can often be used as a sort of "therapy" to "get stuff off your chest" or just share "where you're at today". At PPG Calgary we strongly advise against this!

We always want people to know that if they are looking for help with issues in their life, there are usually people in A.A. who have had similar experiences who can help. However, we encourage people to talk before or after the meeting about such issues - we try and reserve our time in the meeting to talk about our literature, and how to get connected to God through the teaching and practice of our 12 steps.

Why do you read the "orignal manuscript" and not "How it Works" directly from Chapter 5 of the Big Book?

If you are a new visitor to PPG Calgary, this is often the first indication that we do things a little bit different. At the begining of our meeting we have elected to read the "original manuscript" of How it Works from the A.A. archive. Our group conscience has elected to do so as we agree that the "original manuscript" uses more direct wording and leaves little room for misintrepretation or "middle of the road" opportunites.

How do I become a member of PPG?

PPG is all about service! We want a vibrant, participratory membership made of sober alcoholics who give of themselves to the continued operation and betterment of the group to carry out our "Primary Purpose" (Tradition 5). Therefore, we do not accept new members at every meeting.  Instead, we ask those who wish to become members of PPG - Calgary to join us at our Business Meeting, the FIRST Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. We only accept new members at our Business Meetings.